• Everything is 100% confidential and given without judgement. Your reading will never be shared with anyone for any reason. I respect your privacy and do not take lightly the amount of trust that is given, by allowing me into your own personal energy and space.

  • All readings with me are primarily online via Zoom allowing for 30-60 minutes of your time. With the best way to stay in the loop on any of my IRL events, is to subscribe to emails and follow me on social media.

  • My booking system keeps up to date with my availability. If however those days and times are not suitable or you are in another timezone - your welcome to get in touch and let me know your preferred availability - and we can see what is possible.

  • While this is a nice gesture, energetically it is best to only book a reading for yourself only. You are welcome to of course share my details with someone to be able to book with me themselves directly - if drawn to do so. It is worth mentioning, I also do not 'peek or spy' on people who are not present during a reading (eg. like your sister) unless that person is present, or unless it directly affects you as the recipient (eg. like your partner/husband).

  • You need to be 18 years of age and over, no exceptions. As adults we are responsible for how we choose to handle or interpret the evidence or information expressed in a reading, which is why there is strictly an 18 year age limit on all services.

  • I will always do my best to give messages with love, support and empathy, but if however there is something that Spirit, or the cards pulled would like you to understand, it will be as a ‘guide or a marker’ to help you to move through any challenges, decisions, or situations with greater ease and understanding.

  • While a having a Mediumship reading can be deeply healing to the grieving process, it may be too painful, if too soon! Sometimes when we are too emotional our loved ones in Spirit can pull back until they feel we are ready. Everyone grieves in their own time. However as a general measure of time it may be best to wait until six to eight months after passing, for your grief to subside enough to enjoy your love-filled Mediumship reading.

  • If you need to reschedule your appointment, please let me know via email: hello@claire-fae.com more than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment and we can find another time and day that suits us both. This also gives me an opportunity to offer this appointment time to anyone who may be waiting as well.

  • Yes, you will receive a complimentary audio recording as part of your reading with me. Allow for 3-7 days for it to be delivered via the email address you provided. I do suggest you to download the file within 10 days as I may not be able to store data for longer. Please note there may be technical difficulties that are out of my control.

  • My booking system will prompt you for full pre-payment upfront once you select your preferred day and time within my availability. If seeing my in-person I will have both cash and card facilities available to process the fee.

  • I am so sorry! Due to the sheer volume of readings and the amount of data storage required, I do not keep any audio or video records past 10 days. Sometimes this can happen for a reason...like you no longer need the information in the recording or the messages from your loved-ones are within you!

  • I encourage my clients to wait at least 6 months as a general guide, between Mediumship Readings. However for a Card Reading or Psychic Reading you can re-book within 2-3 months later, if circumstances and conditions have changed for you, or you need clarity in other, different areas of your life.