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12 Ways the Spirit World May Speak to You
You will find your PDF to download below as well as a video below (with personal commentary).
‘12 Ways The Spirit World May Speak to You’ has been created as a starting point and helpful resource, to help you to recognise any messages that you may be receiving from your passed loved ones, and help with reestablishing a new kind of communication and connection with them just in a non-physical way, now they are in spirit.
We hope you enjoyed the video and ebook ‘12 Ways The Spirit World May Speak to You’. You are welcome to share your spirit experiences on my social or via email on: hello@claire-fae.com
Love & Blessings, Claire-Fae xx
'Love between souls doesn’t diminish with passing, not only is our love eternal our bond and connection with those we love survives physical death’
- Sherrie Dillard -
Like to experience a reading?
Bookings are currently available with Claire-Fae for private psychic and mediumship readings.